Finding solace… in the invisible

Amidst the drowning sad vibes and the disheartening ignorances, it could be quite perplexing to search for a way to make peace with your raging and running mind. Terrified of forgetfulness that will veil your previous achievements, You might believe that by being still, your memories will fade away... But do not fear for it is... Continue Reading →

Holding on

My mind - my chaos - won't let me go for other chaoses making me incapable of helping other people . How can I hold on? when all I want to do is walk away for once; Explore things beyond my comprehension and breathe differently. . Deep in my own chaos, I think to myself;... Continue Reading →

Artsy enough?

A picture is worth a thousand words they say... But actually, we limit ourselves from transcending into artists' worlds- Not knowing the real work of art that hides behind the splashes of paint and ink. Their hearts. -(R.G.B)

Marvel marvel| in Thinkings

Marvel at your breath, helping your dreams be your reality.   Marvel at simplicities of your body, buzzing simple neural connections that shape your complex mind   Marvel at your friend, one who accepts you for your lies and faults.   Marvel at yourself, for you are a perfect definition of your flaws turned into a masterpiece.... Continue Reading →

The slip

Pooling... deep deep down - the guilt, sorrow, unquestioned wrongs. Lingering... the nonreciprocity of emotions, empathy, driving one... unsound. Building up and up... the questions about being good, the purpose of. . And comes the ultimate trigger And the slip. into the chasm of hopelessness, into the chasm of unclear anger. Chanting... why be fair... Continue Reading →

Change be not changed! | in Thinkings

Change is a wonderful word. And such is its nature... Change is the unchangable force that we all must embrace. Only when we slip through the veil of aprehension, could we truly see the beauty of Change. The parental force of growth is Change. For we must keep moving, Change should be our assurance to... Continue Reading →

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